How to upload big (chunked) files in Laravel without extra packages
If you want to upload big files using laravel you probably should get some help from a library like this one here. But if you need a very straightforward solution, one that doesn't handle edge cases, or you just want have an idea of how it could be done then this tutorial is for you.
The frontend
Fist step is to install a library to manage uploads on the frontend. For this tutorial we're going to use Filepond. It can be installed via CDN (by dropping the css and js in the view) or via npm, I've chosen the npm way using Vite so
npm install filepond
then we open up resources/js/bootstrap.js
and add
import * as FilePond from 'filepond';
import 'filepond/dist/filepond.min.css';
window.FilePond = FilePond;
don't forget to @vite('resources/js/app.js')
into your blade view. Now you will have a Filepond
object available globally.
To simplify things we're going to put all the backend logic in the routes file using PHP closures. The only file we're going to create is a view that we will call chunked-tutorial.blade.php
. So, we prepare the routes:
Route::get('chunked-tutorial', function() {
return view('chunked-tutorial');
Route::post('chunked-tutorial', function(){})->name('chunked-tutorial');
Route::patch('chunked-tutorial', function(){})->name('chunked-tutorial');
then we prepare the chunked-tutorial.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Chunked Tutorial</title>
<h1>Chunked Tutorial</h1>
data-route="{{ route('chunked-tutorial') }}"
data-csrf="{{ csrf_token() }}"
We don't need to have a form because the file is sent via ajax (and I'm trying to keep things simple). We need to provide a csrf token and a destination for the upload, there are many ways of doing this, I think adding a data
attribute is the simplest way for this tutorial.
We now transform the input into a Filepond uploader:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const inputElement = document.getElementById('bigfile');
// Create a FilePond instance
const pond = FilePond.create(inputElement, {
allowMultiple: false,
chunkUploads: true,
chunkSize: 100000, // in bytes
server: {
url: inputElement.dataset.route,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': inputElement.dataset.csrf
with this the frontend site is complete. For this tutorials I've put a very low chunk size, but you can put a much higher one.
The backend
How does Filepond uploads files? If the file is smaller than a chunk, in our case smaller than 100kb, it will send the whole file in one go with the first POST request. If the file is bigger than a chunk, it will actually do chunked uploads, which means that it will send a first POST request to ask the backed to prepare to receive the chunks, and then it will send the file's chunks in subsequent PATCH requests.
Prepare to receive a whole file when it's smaller than a chunk
let's reach the POST route for this tutorial and change it so it will store the file when it's sent whole
Route::post('chunked-tutorial', function(Request $request){
if($request->hasFile('bigfile')) {
$file = $request->file('bigfile');
$newFilename = uniqid(). '-' .$file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->storeAs('tutorial-uploads', $newFilename);
return $newFilename;
Now try to upload a file that is less than 100kb, and when we reach storage/app
there should be a tutorial-uploads
folder which contains said file. We then return the server's filename and this could be used by Filepond for further operations (for example allowing the user ti delet the file if he changes his mind).
Receiving a file in chunks
Now that we have managed the case in which the file is sent whole, let's finally manage the case in which the file is big and sent in chunks!
When we upload a big file the first thing that Filepond does is sending a POST request where it asks the server to prepare to receive the file. Filepond expects back an id that will be then sent in the following PATCH requests along with the file's chunks.
We're still modifying the POST route closure
Route::post('chunked-tutorial', function(Request $request){
if($request->hasFile('bigfile')) {
$file = $request->file('bigfile');
$newFilename = uniqid(). '-' .$file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->storeAs('tutorial-uploads', $newFilename);
return $newFilename;
$fileId = uniqid().'.part';
Storage::put('tutorial-uploads/tmp/'.$fileId, '');
return $fileId;
We're using Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage
to create an empty file into the storage/app/tutorial-uploads/tmp
folder. The $fileId
will contain the filename of the temporary file, that will also work as identification for the subsequent Filepond's requests. We return $fileId
and Filepond begins to send PATCH requests. Each PATCH request contains
- the chunk
- the header with
- Upload-Length (The total size of the file being transferred)
- Upload-Name (The name of the file),
- Upload-Offset (The offset of the chunk being transferred, not used by us)
- Content-Type (the content type of a patch request, set to 'application/offset+octet-stream')
- the id of the file we sent back with the first post request in the query
So, knowing this we can create the functionality that puts together the chunks:
Route::patch('chunked-tutorial', function(Request $request){
$fileId = $request->query('patch');
Storage::append('tutorial-uploads/tmp/'.$fileId, $request->getContent(), NULL);
if(Storage::size('tutorial-uploads/tmp/'.$fileId) == $request->header('Upload-Length')) {
$newFilename = uniqid(). '-' . $request->header('Upload-Name');
Storage::move('tutorial-uploads/tmp/'.$fileId, 'tutorial-uploads/'.$newFilename );
return $newFilename;
return $fileId;
Let's go step by step:
$fileId = $request->query('patch')
: we retrieve the file nameStorage::append('tutorial-uploads/tmp/'.$fileId, $request->getContent(), NULL)
: we append the content of the request, the file's chunk, in the temporary file. TheNULL
is needed to avoid line breaking which would ruin the file.- when the file's size on disk matches the expect whole file size (Upload-Length) we get the original filename, we add to it a new id to avoid file collision (of course this is something I'm doing for this tutorial, you may have your own method) and we move the now completed file to a new location.
If we've done everything correctly, when we upload a file bigger than 100kb, we will see it uploaded in storage/app/tutorial-uploads/
See you in the next tutorial